
By Admin I 08/02/22 I Blog: Education

Have or are you suffering with shame? Shame is keeping you from being all that God called for you to be. Shame is a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcomings, or impropriety. Many believers have lived in a house of shame at some point in their lives. Shame is a tactic that is used by the enemy to keep you in a place of bondage. It acts as a hinderance by not allowing you to move forward in freedom even after you have been forgiven and or released by God. The enemy knows that if he can keep you in a place of shame that you will not walk in the calling that God has called you to. You cannot walk in calling due to feeling unworthy due to shame. The enemy will continuously remind you of what you did, or what was done to you. You will believe that you are not good enough to be used by God. Lastly, if you have not asked God for forgiveness for what you have done or forgiven the person who caused this root of shame, you can be plagued by your own guilt which will lead to shame. To be released from shame, you go to God, earnestly repent for your sin and/or forgive the person who caused your disgrace. Affirm yourself with the word of the Living God by declaring the word over yourself. Romans 8:1 AMP states, “Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and death. Zephaniah 3:19 reminds you that God will turn your shame into praise. If you have been suffering in shame, today is your day of freedom.

Pray this prayer over yourself if you need to be released from shame due to your own sin: Heavenly Father, I come to Your throne on this day, Lord I confess my sin that has kept me in this place of bondage, I repent on today, and I ask that you please forgive me Lord. Lord, I thank You for taking shame away from me I thank You for replacing my shame with reassurance in who I am in You. Thank You for freedom in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Pray this prayer over yourself if you need to be released from shame that was placed on you by others: Heavenly Father, I come to Your throne on this day, Lord, I forgive those that caused my shame, I release them on today. Lord, I thank You for taking shame away from me I thank You for replacing my shame with reassurance in who I am in You. Thank You for freedom in the name of Jesus. Amen.